Month: June 2014

On My Desk

A classic case of the Mondays.

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I really don’t like Mondays. All weekend I live in this fantasy of sleeping in and lying out in the sun then Monday morning strikes like a slap in the face.

But I digress – back to what’s on my desk…

I was greeted by my boss this morning with three issues of Vogue – Vogue Accessory, Vogue Italia, and Beauty in Vogue, all of which helped to improve my Monday by a lot. Then there’s my “to-do” list with a few doodles because my brain simply cannot be expected to focus today. I also have my gorgeous silver necklace which I took off for comfort reasons (If I’m going to suffer – I plan to suffer comfortably). Along with a list of New York retail stores (my work for today) and my usual bottle of Pellegrino next to my orchid plant, both of which keep me content.


A third cup of coffee is sounding really good right now…



Brooklyn goes hard. 


Lianne and I took a trip down to Williamsburg yesterday and holy cow was I happy with what I saw. Good food, beautiful weather, and a spectacular view – what more could I ask for? Smorgasburg was by far one of the best decisions I’ve made this summer.


Overwhelmed by the 100 food vendors I went with two of my favorites – french fries and tacos. The tacos were yummy but the french fries were something special, I’ll be dreaming about them for the next month (at least). I will definitely be back, Smorgasburg, next time with a much larger appetite and a lot more sunscreen.


Lianne and I then walked over to a flea market full of great little finds – one being this neat little book turned into a clock.


I also left with this incredible Notorious B.I.G. ring that I am obsessed with – I haven’t taken it off since I bought it!


Now I’m off to prepare for a very busy (and patriotic) week, goodnight!


p.s. you get extra points if you caught the Jay-Z reference in this post.

On a Rooftop

New York City is the city for me.

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I had dinner with New York CIty last night. The city and I have this sort of connection – we understand each other in a way that no other person (thing) does. We’ve gone through a lot together and even on those bad days he (excuse me, it) nows how to put a smile on my face. There’s never a dull moment with me and the city. I know that this is the city for me, the city I want to spend the rest of my life with.

Haven Rooftop is divine, my friends.

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I nearly licked my plate clean – so yummy!

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Finally satisfied the ice cream craving I’ve had since Tuesday.


I am SO ready for the weekend.




Lunch at Yves Saint Laurent

I hope this is what heaven looks like.

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Ingrid and I have this tradition where everyday during our lunch break we visit one of the stores in our area. When your “area” is home to Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Berdorf Goodman’s, and Yves Saint Laurent (to name a few) you just have to take a peek inside. We’ve covered most places in the area but today was our first time entering the Saint Laurent store on West 57th street.

YSL has this way of illuminating their store in such a crisp and clean fashion – I nearly forgot I had just left the dirty city sidewalk. It’s so calm and peaceful and their staff isn’t the stuck-up bunch one would expect at such a high-end store. So what did I do while I was browsing through Saint Laurent? I tried on shoes, duh!

These babies were on sale too – I am now accepting donations to the “Buy Sam a Pair of Designer Heels” fund!

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On My Desk

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In my efforts to personalize this blog, I will occasionally show you what’s “On My Desk”. This is my way of providing a little behind the scenes look of what my life as a social media intern in New York City is like. Hope you enjoy – and keep checking back!

June 25th, 2014: A white orchard that keeps me happy, a much-needed Oprah Chai Latte, a bottle of Pellegrino to keep me hydrated (and oh-so fancy), the July 2014 issue of Vanity Fair, the Summer 2014 issue of W Magazine, a very long to-do list, and a pile of rings because my finger swelled up in this ridiculously humid NYC weather.


Happy Wednesday!


90s Baby

It all started with Kylie Jenner’s lip injections.

I am a product of the 90s and feel this sort of connection with the era that I want to re-live. I came across a picture of Kylie Jenner (and her new lip injections) and noticed the 90’s-esque lipstick shade adorning her (very large) lips. I now have this nostalgic obsession with bringing back the 1990s.

The Inspiration:


Kate Moss for Calvin Klein Circa 1991


Jennifer Aniston Circa 1994-2004


An all time favorite – Pretty Woman Circa 1990

On Location for the video "Sometimes"

My first celebrity idol – Britney Spears Circa 1999


Spice Girls Circa 1996


Stay tuned for how I dress with a 90s influence.



I found myself wandering into Chanel a few days ago on my lunch break (must have been instinctively) and could not help but notice the Wild West scene going on in the windows. Then, on my way to lunch yesterday I noticed Bergdorf Goodman’s windows appeared strikingly similar. It became clear that the equestrian trend has taken over pre-fall 2014 and in my efforts to procrastinate on this dreadful tuesday morning I spent the last hour searching through the pre-fall shows and have compiled a few of my favorites to share with you. Yee-haw!


Chanel Pre-Fall 2014


Ponchos are back?? Chanel Pre-Fall 2014


Chanel’s signature tweed jacket takes the Wild West. Chanel Pre-Fall 2014


Very American – lots of red, white, blue, and stars. Chanel Pre-Fall 2014


Reminiscent of those (terrible) shag rugs from the 70s. Gucci Pre-Fall 2014


Moschino Pre-Fall 2014


Tribal. Burberry Prorsum Pre-Fall 2014


Burberry Prorsum Pre-Fall 2014


Ruffles. Alexander McQueen Pre-Fall 2014


Not gonna lie – I giggled at this one. Fendi Pre-Fall 2014


Hope you enjoyed viewing this as much as I enjoyed assembling it!



Images via


So, You Want to Work for Vogue?

photo copy Tips and advice on how to score your dream job at Vogue, given by Vogue employees themselves. Ingrid, my co-intern, had the opportunity to visit Conde Nast, and being the sweetheart she is invited me to tag along. A little background info on Conde Nast if you don’t already know who they are (surely, if you read the title of this post and would like to work for Vogue you must know what Conde Nast is). Conde Nast owns 18 major fashion publication such as W Magazine, Lucky, Glamour, and the prestigious Vogue. Owning fashion publications is only a small part of the Conde Nast Corporation, but the only part that I truly care about. I was given a guest pass to get into the Conde Nast Building then Ingrid and I were shown to this little auditorium with a projection screen and four empty chairs facing us. The auditorium only had about 15 other students, keeping the affair fairly personal. The presentation started with a little history of the company and lead into a panel of four young ladies who work for Conde Nast, three of which have positions at Vogue. I (very sloppily) jotted down the most important pieces of information they gave us. Now, for your convenience, I will decipher my notes and break down the best strategies to obtain a position at Vogue as well as a few things I learned about working for a fashion publication. Social Media & How to Apply In this day and age most corporate businesses have social media accounts, as well as you, so when it comes to any company you dream of working for – follow them. It is so simple, yet a vital step some people miss. Conde Nast has both a Twitter and a LinkedIn profile and the panel suggested we follow both – and I suggest that you do too. For most companies, finding an open position within a corporation is a struggle. But Conde Nast makes it easy by not only posting position openings directly on their website but actually ensuring that every application is considered and reviewed, which eliminates the worry of completely wasting your time in applying. Build Your Resume The entire panel of young ladies agreed that the ability to use InDesign as well as Excel is essential in obtaining a job at every publication. Don’t know what InDeisgn is or how to properly navigate Excel? One girl suggested watching YouTube videos – there are so many helpful skills being taught through YouTube and it’s time you use them to you advantage. This next tip is for all of you that dream of working in New York City – I know I do! You MUST relocate. Every girl on the panel agreed that they were not able to obtain a job anywhere in the city without a New York, NY address. When a corporation needs to fill a position, they are going to want to fill it as soon as they can, and they need someone who can interview within 24 hours and begin working within the next 48 hours. These position openings are cutthroat, especially in the fashion industry, and you need to show your employer that you are able to complete tasks as quickly as possible. Which leads me into the next piece of advice. Be Direct & Play Nice The words, “I don’t know” are simply unacceptable. One of the panelists said something so helpful and impactful I will directly quote her, “If you know what you want to do, tell people.” If someone were to stop you dead in your tracks and ask you, “what do you want to do?” without hesitation you should be able to give them an answer. Even if you end up changing your mind in the future, you MUST be able to provide someone with an answer when they ask you. First of all, this gives an excellent impression to hopefully a future employer – it appears as if you have your shit figured out. Second, this person may know someone who knows someone (who also knows someone) that can get you a job doing what you want. This also has a lot to do with networking which is the number one tool in obtaining a career in any competitive industry. A tip given by one of the panelists was simple and easy, “be polite.” When sending an e-mail, always sign with kind words – maybe even throw in a, “have a great day!” People appreciate politeness and a hand-written “Thank You” note could take you far in your fashion career. After all, Lazaro Hernandez became the man he is today through a hand-written note to Vogue’s very own Anna Wintour. Entry Level Positions & Salaries One of the panelists worked in Human Resources for Conde Nast and broke down the company as well as the job positions within it. Each publication has an editorial side as well as an advertising side. An entry-level role in either editorial or advertising is as an assistant. There is also the corporate section of the company, Conde Nast, and one’s first role there would also be as an assistant. The most painful part of this whole presentation was hearing what the starting salaries for these entry-level positions are. One panelist started at Vogue earning $30,000 a year while another panelist explained how she started at a mere $20,000 a year. These numbers are extremely low, especially when living in such an expensive city. One young lady explained how most of her paycheck went to paying her monthly rent. Yes, you will most likely struggle with money but that is the risk one must make if you (just like me) dream of the day you live in New York City and work for Vogue Now, deep breathes during this next part – the panelists then went into explaining what they called “jumping.” “Jumping” is when you move up a role in a company and here is where larger sums of money come in. It is essential in a fashion publication, such as Vogue, to push yourself and aspire for a bigger role. One panelist explained how she has “jumped” four times and each time recieved a $20,000 pay raise. There is a light (and a lot more money) at the end of the tunnel – Vogue employees said it themselves!

A New Love Interest

I fell in love with a pair of Gucci boots.

A typical morning – I trudge my belongings out of Grand Central and begin my much anticipated walk to work. And when I say, “much anticipated” I am not being sarcastic. This is seriously one of my favorite parts of the day – I walk past some of the most well-known designer stores (i.e. Versace, Fendi, Dolce & Gabbana, etc.) and let me tell you, I am all about the window displays. A visual designer is vital to a store and can really make or break a brand, in my opinion.

This morning, as my heavy eyelids struggled to keep themselevs open I was struck by something in the Gucci window that made my eyes widen. I stopped right in my tracks, something I never do (ensuring a steady flow of pedestrian traffic down Fifth Ave is essential) but I simply could not help myself. It started with a beautiful fluffy sweater that I so desperately wanted to curl up with during those wee hours of the morning. My eyes then wandered down to what the mannequin had on her (its?) plastic feet. A shining pair of angels – halo and all, a stunning set of black leather boots, completed by a chunky platform heel and shiny silver zipper running along the inside. The boots themselves were beautiful pieces of art but when paired with black knit socks peeking just over the top of them, those black Gucci boots became the epitome of perfection (in my eyes, at least). The style as a whole spoke to me, luring me in, as I studied every square inch of those bad boys. Really though, they were quite bad-ass in appearance but also very chic and sophisticated? Ugh I am seriously struggling for words. In the simplest of simple terms, I LOVE THEM.

As soon as I sat my tired behind down in my desk chair I brought up the Gucci website and searched for the new loves of my life. I nearly cried when I discovered them – partly due to their beauty but mostly due to their heart-breaking price tag. As I sat and seriously considered the investment, I came to my senses and ruled them out of my budget.

A few tears and tissues later – I cannot wait to purchase me a pair of look-a-like Gucci black leather platform boots in an effort to appear (almost) as fabulous as those spoiled, creepy mannequins.


And now, a few poor quality iPhone photos (LOL at my reflection):

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Alla Moda,



A Sprint Down 5th Ave.

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My heart is pounding, my hands tremble as they struggle to type, and my calves ache in such a way that the pain radiates up into my thighs. Sounds like a scene from a horror movie – the horror movie I call About to Miss My Train Home. Seems a bit dramatic of me, I know. But what can I say? I’m dramatic.

I write to you from the train (good news – I made it!) and that blur of a sprint down one of the most week-known avenues in the world is beginning to sharpen. In those speedy 15 blocks I said goodbye to my boss, took a quick glimpse at that thing they’re building in Rockefeller Center (if you’ve seen it recently you’ll understand my confusion), pushed my way through a heated argument between two very well-dressed European men, and with the little breathe I had left asked a stranger where our train was headed. Now, as I sink myself deeper into this strangely comfortable seat on the train, I will introduce myself to you – whoever you are. I am Samantha, or any variation of that i.e. Sam, Sammy, Princess, etc. I’ve been called a slew of nicknames my whole life and chances are, if you call to me, I won’t answer – something my mother likes to call “selective hearing.” And as for how old I am – well, you know how older people like to lie about their age to appear younger? I do that too, except in the opposite way they do, so just don’t ask. The boss I mentioned earlier, she’s a super cool (for a lack of better words) jewelry designer located at the heart of high-fashion in New York City. My current job title is “social media intern” and in an attempt to not bore you (apologies if I already have) I will simplify my job description by saying, I am the girl who manages her social media accounts. Despite my dream to one day live in The Big Apple, I currently live at home in Connecticut with my mother, father, older sister, and cat, Mickey. Ew, I just re-read that last sentenced a threw up a little – my life sounds so ordinary, and if there’s one thing you should know about me, it’s how much I dislike anything (and everything) ordinary. The world itself causes my muscles to tense and palms to sweat. Let’s not ever use that word again – ok? OK.

I digress – let us return to this whole “blog” thing. Recently, my life has taken a huge turn, and that turn placed me straight in the fashion lane. I am so grateful and excited to be where I am – surrounded by beautiful things, beautiful clothes, beautiful places, and beautiful adventures. In an attempt to not miss a single second of it, I will combine my passion for writing and novice photography skills to create this blog.

I really hope I don’t disappoint.

Samantha Guarnieri